Why Opt for Bodybuilding Supplements?

Body building supplements help in building muscles. They help in improving body performance by providing energy and essential nutrients to the body. Some of the most commonly used supplements are protein shakes, fat burners, creatine and energy boosters.

People prefer to buy supplements online, as it’s a convenient way. These stores offer better pricing as compared to brick-and-mortar establishments. Before buying any supplement for bodybuilding, one should consider some important factors such as quality, value, and reputation of the manufacturer.

Factors to consider before buying supplements for bodybuilding:supplements for bodybuilding in India, bodybuilding supplements India

Quality: The product quality is the foremost criteria as it will have a direct impact on your health. Check about the product quality by going through various reviews, feedback and client testimonials.

Value: Along with the quality of the product, its cost is also an important factor to consider. The product must be wallet-friendly and should be within your budget. Conduct a thorough research to learn if any offer is available. Don’t go for a product with very   low pricing as it might have compromised with the quality. Once satisfied with the quality and value, the user will recommend it to others also.

Licensed store: In case of online purchasing, always be sure about the authenticity of the store. Buy products only from a licensed store. This confirms that the products are complying with the market standards and safe for human usage. Invest some time in researching and locating the licensed stores.

Reputation of store: Apart from being licensed, it’s also important to verify a store’s reputation in the market. There are numerous stores available online that offer apparently lucrative deals, promotions, discount codes to attract the buyers. Do not buy products, solely on the basis of offers. Check for the range of products on store, how fast they deliver, about their sales service and the shelf life of the product.

On the basis of above factors select your online store for buying supplements for bodybuilding in India. The right product will help you in achieving health goals, in a safe and an efficient way.

Top 5 Whey Protein Supplements

Protein is one of the essential body building elements. Proteins are responsible to build and repair the body muscles. There is a big list of proteins and on the top is whey protein. All the proteins are different from one another and are used for different purposes. It is important to know about the best whey proteins in India and when to consume them for the best results. Let’s learn more.best whey protein in India

Different types of whey protein

Whey concentrate: It is the most basic form of protein, a choice of many and an inexpensive protein. The body absorbs this protein at a moderate rate. It increases dietary protein to maximize skeletal muscle. It has low levels of fat and cholesterol, so it is considered as a common athletic supplement. It is absorbed fairly by the body and is pocket-friendly. It can be used both pre and post workout. It can also be used as a snack between meals but should be avoided during bed time.

Whey Isolate: It is absorbed by body at a much higher rate as compared to the whey concentrate. This adds to the cost of the product. Whey isolate is the best choice if protein is to be delivered fast to the muscles. It is also the preference of the people with low sugar or carbohydrate diets. Isolates are recommended for pre and post workout as it is absorbed quickly by the body.

Casein protein: It is a slow digesting form of protein. It breaks down slowly, which means it constantly provides protein to the muscles for a longer time period. Glutamine is also a part of Casein protein. They together boost the immune system and speed up the recovery process. Casein protein is a perfect drink for bedtime as complete protein breakdown takes about 5-7 hours.

Hydrolysate protein: It is one of the most highly digestible and absorbable proteins. Being high in quality, it is an expensive protein. It can be consumed both pre and post workout.

Soy protein: It is the best source of protein for vegetarians. It contains glutamine, arginine, Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA). This protein helps in fast recovery, speeds metabolism, and boosts thyroid hormone. Similar to whey concentrate, it can be taken both pre and post workout as a snack, but not at night.

Among the various protein supplements, one should start with a simple protein such as whey concentrate. Then, after observing how the body adapts to it, one should move to other protein supplements. Several online stores offer best whey protein in India, which can aid in for improving one’s health.

Green Tea for Weight Loss – No Side Effects

Green tea offers various health benefits including the weight loss. The concept of green tea for weight loss was originated in China. People from east and west are highly influenced by this method of losing weight. It’s interesting to know how it works and makes a person slim.green tea weight loss, green tea extract

How green tea works?

Green tree leaves are taken from an indigenous plant, Camellia Sinensis, found in China. This plant is found in many areas of Asia. The leaves of this particular plant are processed in a way to preserve the beneficial component, polyphenols with high level.

As compared to other types of tea, green tea is less processed. It increases the metabolism without increasing the heart rate. The rise in metabolism burns body fat resulting into weight loss. Green tea contains Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a great combination of catechin and caffeine. The synergy of the two is highly beneficial for weight loss. The caffeine in this combination offers an increased energy level.

How to brew green tea?

Green tea is brewed by leaving two grams of green tea leaves in 100 ml hot water for about 30 seconds. This leaves perfect flavour. However, the measures of leaves, water, and steeping time can be varied as per individual taste. Moreover, after sipping the tea completely, one can keep on adding hot water to the same leaves till it retains the flavour.

Distinct flavours can be enjoyed by adding the following ingredients to tea:

  • Ginger
  • Lemon slice
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves
  • Basil leaves

Benefits of green tea

  • Increases the body metabolism
  • Reduces fat
  • Increases energy
  • Reduces stress and fatigue
  • Prevents growth of cancer
  • Controls blood insulin levels
  • Flushes out all the toxins from the liver
  • Reduces hepatitis B infection probability
  • Maintains oral hygiene and removes dental plaque

Add green tea for weight loss in your daily diet. One can easily buy green tea from online stores. Complement green tea with exercise to live a healthy life.

Body Building Made Easier With Supplements

Insufficient exercise, a sluggish lifestyle and poor dietary habits are the main factors affecting muscle build-up.  Also, many people, who take certain medicines for their specific medical condition, find that they have a lean body in spite of all they do to gain weight. Muscle building supplements are used by people to gain muscles.

weight gainer supplements
Protein is the main ingredient in weight or muscle gain supplements. Apart from protein, glutamine is another important ingredient in weight gainers. Glutamine containing supplements are commonly available in a variety of powders in the market. Consumption of Glutamine along with protein consisting supplements is advised by experts. Another component in muscle gainers is a type of acid produced in the body and gives body energy in the form of quick spurts. Today, the best weight gainer supplements are available in a variety of forms such as powders, capsules, shakes, and even bars.

Benefits of taking weight gainer supplements:

Weight gainer supplements can give the desired results, when coupled with other weight-gain strategies such as consuming more calories than one burns, following a regular workout schedule that focuses on muscle-building exercises, and consuming enough proteins.

Most weight gainer supplements include a combination of proteins and energy rich carbohydrates along with vital fatty acids helps to promote muscle growth. Also, people with a hectic lifestyle, those who lack good appetite or those who have a hyperactive metabolism rate can make up for lost calories by taking this mass building supplements.

Also, with high-quality weight gainer supplements, one can enhance their stamina for exercise as carbohydrates present in these supplements burn fat at a slower pace.

Tips for choosing weight gain supplements:

  • Consult an expert– Especially for first-timers, it is recommended to consult an expert in nutrition and health to gain by the use of these supplements. An expert can suggest the right amount and frequency to take these supplements to attain fast results.
  • Check the labelling-Watch out for the ingredients. Knowing their composition can help one distinguish between a good and bag weight gain supplement.
  • Is the product guaranteed? Check on the label if the manufacturers are confident that the product will benefit you. Will they be willing to compensate if it does not?
  • Never Overdose– It is crucial not to take in more than the recommended dosage, as suggested by an expert. An over dose can harm the body