Must haves for a New Mom

“Motherhood” is a word that means endless emotional ties for a woman, whose entire world changes with the origin of a new life. The emotional and hormonal fluctuations are visible to the naked eye but what go unnoticed most of the time, are the woman’s nutritional needs. Mothers, apart from undergoing tremendous physical changes, are also responsible for feeding the new born.

Therefore, for keeping the baby healthy, it’s a must to keep the mother healthy. A balanced diet, ample rest and nutritional food are required to keep a human body healthy and running. However, it is commonly seen that the mothers are not able to sleep at night due to the baby for some reason or the other. Similar conditions are also seen on the nutritional front that ultimately makes her weak, irritated and tired. If you’re going through the same, look for online protein supplements in India or any other nutritional product in online retail stores.

The top 5 nutritional requirement for a new mom are as follows:

Complex Carbohydrates: Known for providing lasting energy, these carbohydrates takes more time to digest. Found in sugary foods, these are essential for new moms as they provide energy.


Boosting energy and repairing muscle fatigue, protein takes longer to digest and in turn generates large amounts of energy. It is also necessary to have foods such as almonds, whole wheat crackers for keeping you energized for a longer time. Other than keeping individuals energetic throughout the day, it also keeps the baby energetic and active.


Important for the development of the placenta, this mineral is essential for the growth of the baby. It not only provides energy; and if you’re fatigued easily, then iron is the perfect choice for you. Feeding on such an item will keep you fresh throughout the day and same goes for the baby. So next time you think you’re fatigued, simply opt for iron supplements.


Lactating mothers must consume sufficient calcium through milk and milk products. It will not only help in development of bones but will also help the baby in absorbing calcium.

Fluid intake:

Apart from the essential minerals and vitamins, the human body requires water, which helps in maintaining the body. It will keep you hydrated and energized. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.

It’s quite possible that your busy schedule keeps you from taking a balanced diet. In such a situation, it’s best to opt for nutritional supplements by ordering protein supplements in India from online retail stores. There is an extensive range of products available in such stores. Select a product that suits you best after consulting a health and nutrition expert. Enhance your life for a better tomorrow.