The Role of Amino Acids in Your Health – How Supplements can help

Amino acids are an essential part of protein, the building blocks of your body. One needs to have sufficient intake of these to maintain good health. The amino acids are adaptable structural blocks of the body as they form muscles, limbs, glands, hair and nails. Our body needs 20 essential amino acids to not only function as structural blocks of protein but play an important role in metabolism as well. The body naturally produces many of these amino acids, but the ones it does not produce must be supplemented from food sources or health supplements. For sports professionals and in particular bodybuilders, these supplements are very useful to build muscle mass on a calorie-restricted special diet.

Amino Acid Supplements Outperform Antidepressants

Functioning of Amino acids in our Body
Amino acids are basically molecules that contain protein. Thus, there are 20 types of essential proteins that the body must produce to develop various body structures. Corresponding to these proteins, there are 20 different amino acids in the body. Other than being essential for muscular growth of athletes, some other essential functions of amino acids include:

  • Formation and processing of antibodies to guard the body against bacteria and viruses
  • Formation of nucleoproteins for production of new body cells and rebuilding of tissues
  • Transfer of oxygen from lungs to all parts of the body
  • Growth of enzymes in the body for proper functioning of the hormonal system
  • Improved protein synthesis
  • Maintenance of positive nitrogen balance in the body
  • Support for repair, recovery, growth and maintenance of lean muscles


How to get the maximum benefits out of amino acid supplements
You should always consult your healthcare provider before taking any kind of health supplement and the same is true for amino acid supplements as well. However, if you take this supplement from a reputable health product manufacturer, you can expect the benefits mentioned above. Bear in mind that any of these health supplements are not meant to cure, treat or even prevent any disease. Moreover, before purchasing any supplement with due permission from your doctor, make sure it does not contain the following harmful ingredients:

  • Artificial color
  • Starch
  • Artificial flavor
  • Preservatives
  • Wheat or Gluten
  • Corn
  • Substances containing yeast
  • Sugar

Soyabean oil and milk can be a part of the supplement. Amino acids supplements in India are available from some reputable manufacturers who provide the same at their online store.

Munch Healthy and Get Wealthy

The Dalai Lama once said “Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

This is somewhat true, don’t you think? I mean, we strive for a brighter future ignoring our health and nutrition at times, resulting in poor physical and emotional health. It is important that we take a balanced diet with a bit of exercise that will not only make our body fit, but also provide us with a relaxed mind. Remember, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. A healthy diet includes most essential nutrients, but then some of them have to be consumed as supplements to oudaily diet. Omega 3 is one of those with loads of benefits and it’s a must for all workaholics. Buy omega 3 supplements  online with a single click and watch your life change!omega_oil

A hearty affair:  Good for the heart, it improves the cardiac health of an individual. It reduces the chance of cardiac diseases and fatal cardiac events.

The autism wonder: Omega 3 supplements have proved to be beneficial for children with autism. It has a therapeutic effect and is often used as a treatment for it.

The Diabetes deal:  Omega 3 is also beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.

With increasing stress and deadlines to meet, people tend to ignore even the basics of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.  However, with high-quality diet supplements available in the market, it is much easier to maintain good health.
Omega 3 supplements offer you more than you can ask for. It offers a range of benefits to those who consume it in reasonable amounts. Depression, poor eye health and asthma are a few conditions that can be managed better if you buy omega 3 supplements. However, it is advisable to consult a medical expert before taking it. In Online stores, you can buy a range of supplements for different benefits. Click and explore!