Amino Acids- Basic to Body

Building blocks of protein, amino acids play a vital role in building body tissues. Our body cells are composed of protein links, which are made up of these acids. Hundreds or thousands of amino acids bond chemically into chains called polypeptides to form thousands of proteins in our cells. Our body constantly keeps breaking down old protein and builds new proteins using amino acids. If we fail to take in ample amino acids through diet, the body is unable to synthesize new proteins; gradually a breakdown of tissues takes place, which is called wasting of muscular tissue. While some of the amino acids can be produced by our body, the rest of them (called the essential amino acids), cannot be synthesised by our body and must be consumed through a well-balanced diet.

Whether you eat non-vegetarian food or prefer a vegetarian diet, a balanced diet can meet your amino acid needs. However, with a hectic lifestyle and consumption of convenience foods, it is tough to maintain a well-balanced diet.  While sedentary individuals are able to meet most of their daily protein requirements with good food and nutritional practices, metabolically active individuals like bodybuilders or athletes, might find it tough to consume enough quality food to meet their body’s enhanced protein requirement. The good part is that amino acids in India are readily available in the form of supplements.

Taking amino acids in the form of supplements is beneficial as it also absolves the body of undesirable components like sugars, cholesterol, saturated fat, sodium associated with protein taken from animal sources. Look for supplements with a good amino acid profile. These days there are a variety of diet supplements available, making it easier to consume additional amino acids. Some benefits of these supplements are:Benefits-of-Amino-Acids-and-Top-Foods-That-Contain-Them

  • Easy to digest
  • Enhance protein synthesis in the body
  • Easy and quick absorption in the body
  • Free of added preservatives
  • Naturally flavoured

The need for amino acids, or protein as a whole, is directly proportional to body weight. Under physically stressful situations, like weightlifting or bodybuilding, our body needs more amino acids and a lot more of a few select amino acids.

Amino acids in India provide the entire essential acids required by the body. However, just a single supplement of an amino acid may not suffice unless it contains all the eight essential amino acids.